Stock code

SSE: 603127
HKEX: 06127
Technology Platform

Automatic behavioral detection platform

Phenotyper + EthovisionXT 16 channels

Cognition Wall, 1 day to understand the cognitive function of animals

Can realize 24 h continuous monitoring

Traditional behavioral detection platform

Water maze, Y maze, spontaneous activity

Shuttle, avoid the dark

Forced swimming, tail suspension, open field, high price cross maze

Hot plate, Von Frey method, Hargreaves method, Rendall Selitto method related instruments

Conditional position preference meter, self - feeding cabinet

Wisconsin General Test, Cantab

Imaging platform




Operating technology platform

Brain stereotactic injection in rodents and primates

Intraventricular, intrathecal, and medulla medulla cisterna

Cerebrospinal fluid collection

Electrophysiological platform

Microdialysis platform
