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SSE: 603127
HKEX: 06127
JOINN(Wuzhou) Held Construction Ceremony


On April 1, 2019, the construction ceremony of JOINN (Wuzhou) was held in Wuzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Guangxi. Mr. Yunfei Jiang, Vice Mayor of Wuzhou City and Secretary of Party Working Committee of Wuzhou Hi-tech Zone, Mr. Qidi Lai, Director of Management Committee of Wuzhou Hi-tech Zone, and Mr. Conglin Zuo, Vice Chairman of JOINN attended the event.


JOINN (Wuzhou) is committed to build the international first-class laboratory animals especially the primate animal models and drug safety assessment platform, to support drug R&D in this region and around the world. The platform would also become the international cooperation platform for association of south-east Asian nations (ASEAN) drug research and development.


Wuzhou High-tech Zone Biomedical Industrial Park

Guangxi Wuzhou high-tech industry development zone relying on superior geographical conditions and resources endowment to form the health industry cluster, and actively guide and support the development of biological medicine industry.

JOINN Laboratories (Wuzhou) Co., Ltd.

JOINN (Wuzhou) was established in December 2018, aiming to build a comprehensive drug preclinical and clinical evaluation center, including pharmacology research center, GLP laboratory, clinical research center, rodent breeding center, veterinary drug evaluation center, etc. We are committed to creating a one-stop service capability to support drug preclinical and clinical research.

JOINN Biotechnology (Wuzhou) Co.,Ltd.

JOINN Biotech (Wuzhou) was established in December 2018 with the goal of building a high-quality primate laboratory breeding center, primate model research center and primate-based scientific research support platform, to support innovative biologic drug research, human disease research and life science research.


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