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JOINN’s Clinical Team Participated in the Clinical Trials of Highlypathogenic Coronavirus N Protein


Recently, an article “Highlypathogenic coronavirus N protein aggravates lung injury by MASP-2-mediated complement over-activation” has been published online in the medical preprint journal MedRXIV. JOINN’s clinical team has participated in the clinical trials.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, JOINN has responded immediately by organizing a strong expert team to develop scientific and rigorous non-clinical evaluation protocols for different types of anti-COVID-19 vaccines/drugs. Several groups of "anti-coronavirus commandos" were sent to Wuhan and other severely affected areas to establish clinical biological analysis and detection capabilities to support the rapid development of human clinical trials. We also evaluated more than a dozen new coronavirus vaccines, including DNA vaccines, mRNA vaccines, inactivated virus vaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, polypeptide vaccines, and other viral vector vaccines.

JOINN is also participant in safety assessment and clinical trials of antibodies, stem cells, and small molecule drugs against Coronavirus. Most of these projects have started or completed animal experiments, and some have been submitted for clinical approval.

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